How important is the role of prevention in a treatment of prostate cancer, we have already written many times. Fortunately for the contemporary needs, cancer diagnostics is wider and wider available in our country.
Prostate diseases are getting more and more attention. Subject ceases to be embarrassing and more and more men want to be aware of their state of health. Taking a blood sample from one of the patients in Medicover Hospital in Warsaw was recently filmed by 'Good Morning TVN' TVN program. We hope that publicity the issue of prostate cancer incidence will increase the number of men attending for diagnostic tests. It is the best way to maximize opportunity for long and satisfying life. HIFU Clinic Prostate Cancer Treatment Centre is the first in Poland and the second in Europe centre offering this test to their patients.
Test 4Kscore is based on the standard blood sample taking from the patient. The appropriate diagnostic algorithm used in the analysis of the blood sample is a modern solution, which uses the latest developments in medicine and technology. Test gives an opportunity for regular diagnosis of a urologist without conducting DRE (per rectum screening). It also makes diagnostics for patients with genetic load more effective than ever.
Invented by international team of scientists from Sweden and United States, test 4Kscore allows to predict cancer occurrence of over ten years in advance. It is also a modern alternative to PSA test which not always produce reliable results. Test 4Kscore is currently the best test allowing to schedule a further diagnostics and treatment of the patient in the market. In the USA it will soon replace the PSA test, making treatment more efficient and effective than ever.
In HIFU Clinic before test 4Kscore qualifying consultation is necessary. It is carried out by Marek Filipiak, MD, PhD., the supervisor of HIFU Clinic medical team. Dr. Filipek is a specialist in the field of urology and general surgery. He is also the author of many scientific papers related to urology.
Materials concerning this dangerous disease appear more and more often in Polish media and patients don’t feel as embarrassed to talk about their fears as they used to. It is the first step we have to do to stop the threat of cancer.
Only due to fast and effective diagnostic methods we can win the fight against cancer every day and offer new comfort of living to the patients after the therapy. This is why it is so important to talk about the prostate cancer, as it is a serious problem for contemporary men.
Television coverage of the blood sample taking to 4Kscore test in the Medicover Hospital will be broadcast in the 'Good Morning TVN' TVN program on Monday, May 23, at 9.20.