On September 26, 2015, Marek Filipek, MD, PhD., and Stefan W. Czarniecki, MD, in cooperation with HIFU Clinic Prostate Cancer Treatment Centre conducted 120th surgery of prostate cancer using HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) method in Warsaw Medicover Hospital.Treatment of prostate cancer with this method has been introduced to Poland by Dr. Marek Filipek in 2011. HIFU treatment is minimally invasive and requires only several days of hospitalization. In HIFU Clinic Prostate Cancer Treatment Centre surgeries are conducted usually on Fridays and Saturdays, so that men undergoing the treatment can return to daily activities even on Monday after surgery.
Prostate cancer treatment with HIFU method – quick recovery
Prostate cancer treatment with HIFU method is effective and minimally invasive. It also does not lead to any serious side effects, so men, despite the cancer therapy, can remain profesionally and sexually active. Convalescence after HIFU surgery lasts much shorter than after other treatment methods of prostate gland. Patient can begin moderate physical activity even a few days after the surgery. Full recovery takes about 2-3 weeks. For comparison, convalescence after classical radical prostatectomy can last over 2 months and during first month after the surgery even basic physical activity is limited.
Another advantage of HIFU method is much less oppressive type of complications than the one from which suffer patients treated with classic method. Prostate cancer treatment with HIFU method is minimally invasive, high accurate and can be conducted without damaging the neurovascular structures, which are responsible for erection. This significantly reduce the risk of side effects occurence such as erection disorder or urinary incontinence.
It is worth noting that from 2014,, treatment of prostate cancer with HIFU method ceased to be classified as an experimental therapy. Currently it is an alternative form of treatment, placed in the guidelines of European Association of Urology (EAU) concerning the treatment of prostate cancer.
For more information about treatment with the HIFU method please call 512 077 461 or write at kontakt@hifu.pl.