Second opinion

_DSC2904-2What is the purpose of a consultation?

A consultation is a response to a common problem of insufficient time to listen patiently to the Patient and to explain to him often complex issues related to initiated treatment procedures.

What does the second opinion involve?

Prostate cancer diagnostics and treatment require a holistic approach to man's health and expectations. Often with participation of the family members in the joint decision making process. There are numerous diagnostic and treatment methods available which will allow to cure the Patient, while maintaining his current quality of life. Considering the above, it is worthwhile to obtain an opinion of an urologist with a long-term experience in diagnosing and treating prostate cancer.

An access to an extensive range of unique diagnostic tools and modern therapeutic methods allows to determine an optimal treatment, even when it will take place outside our Centre.

Who should attend a consultation?

We recommend this consultation to patients diagnosed with prostate cancer and their families.

How can I arrange a consultation?

To arrange the treatment, please contact the Patient coordination department at: + 48 606 994 372 or by email:

Consultations are provided by Marek Filipek, MD, PhD, , on the following days:

Monday, from 5.00 p.m. – AMEDS Centrum Medyczne in Warsawa Bracka Street 11/13
Wednesday, from 5:00 p.m. – AMEDS Centrum Medyczne in Warsawa Bracka Street 11/13

Do you have any questions or need more information?Contact us >>

See also

Post-procedure consultation in prostate cancer treatment

The aim of this consultation is to monitor Patient's health after prostate cancer treatment procedures.

Consultation qualifying for penile prosthetic insertion

Before the penile prosthesis insertion procedure is performed, extensive diagnostic test is required...

Consultation with a psycho-oncologist

Psychological support is a necessary component of every effective treatment...
