Consultation qualifying for prostate cancer treatment

What is the purpose of a consultation?

The aim of the consultation is making final decision about a need for treatment of prostate cancer.

What does the consultation qualifying for prostate cancer treatment involve?

Before making a decision about treatment method for prostate cancer, a urological consultation with possible qualification for a procedure is necessary. As each Patient is qualified for treatment individually, please, take your complete medical records with you, including information about any previous treatment.

Qualification for a procedure is based on results of diagnostic tests and summary information sheets concerning previous treatment provided by the Patient, medical interview and possible additional tests that may be recommended after the consultation. We also provide active surveillance using the latest available tools and imaging methods.


The most important components of the qualification process are:

  • Detailed medical interview and urological examination
  • History of PSA levels dynamics and current results
  • A result of histopathological examination of sections collected during correctly performed multicore prostate biopsy
  • TRUS (transrectal ultrasound scan) assessment
  • Local staging (usually by magnetic resonance imaging)
  • In some cases - assessment of lymph nodes, a skeleton and other tissues to exclude metastases (MRI, PET-CT, bone scintigraphy)

NOTE: If the Patient does not have results of all tests listed above, please, take all results of diagnostic tests performed to this date.

Who should attend a consultation qualifying for prostate cancer treatment?

We recommend the qualifying consultation to all Patients undergoing a diagnostic process for their condition.

How can I arrange a consultation?

More information on urological treatment can be found at

See also

Consultation with a dietician

A consultation with a dietician discusses proper dietary behaviour during the treatment of prostate cancer.

Urological Consultation

Consultation lasts about 20 minutes and does not require early preparation.

Medical case consultation

A man diagnosed with prostate cancer and his family face a difficult decision...

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