Prof. Andrzej Borkowski, MD, PhD, a long-term head of the Chair and the Clinic of the General, Oncological and Functional Urology Clinic, Clinical Hospital in Warsaw. From 1992 to 2000 he was the President of the Polish Urological Association; he is a member of eight foreign and international urological associations, and an Honorary Member of the European Association of Urology.
The main areas of Professor’s interests include uro-oncology, benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and urologic reconstructive surgery.
University studies
- –1965 Medical University in Warsaw
Professional career
- 1994 – Full Professor, Chair and Department of Urology, Medical University of Warsaw
- 1988–1994 Professor, Chair and Department of Urology, Medical University of Warsaw
- 1980–1988 Assistant Professor, Chair and Department of Urology, Medical University of Warsaw
- 1975–1980 Research Associate, Chair and Department of Urology, Medical University of Warsaw
- 1971–1975 Assistant Lecturer, Chair and Department of Urology, Medical University of Warsaw
- 1969–1971 Assistant, R. Weigl Memorial Hospital, Ostrowy
- 1967–1968 Resident, Hospital Purpan, Toulouse, France
- 1965–1967 Trainee doctor, 1000-lecia Hospital, Częstochowa.
Scientific achievements:
Main scientific degrees:
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, 1973
- Senior Doctor of Medical Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, 1977
- Associate Professor - Head of the Council of State, 1987
- 391 published papers
- 96 chapters in books on urology
- 275 lectures at international urology conferences
- 668 lectures at urology conferences and symposia in Poland
- 40 reviews of PhD dissertations
An author and co-author of the following book publications:
- "Urazy narządów miednicy mniejszej i zewnętrznych narządów płciowych" (Injuries to organs of the lesser pelvis and external genital organs),
- "Nowe metody leczenia kamicy górnych dróg moczowych" (New methods for treatment of upper urinary tract calculi),
- "Choroby gruczołu krokowego" (prostate disorders),
- "Nowotwory i torbiele nerek" (Kidney cancer and cysts) (all 4 publications as a part of Biblioteka Chirurga i anestezjologa PZWL).
- Furthermore: "Urologia – podręcznik dla studentów" (Urology - textbook for students) ed. I and II, expanded, PZWL; a monograph in 2 volumes "50-lat Polskiego Towarzystwa Urologicznego” (50 years of the Polish Urological Association).
Professional achievements:
- Experience in conducting of clinical studies in uro-neurology, BPH, kidney cancer, and prostate cancer;
Membership of associations and organisations:
- Polish Urological Association from 1972
- European Association of Urology from 1972
- French Urological Association from 1972
- Société Internationale d’Urologie from 1978
- European Cancer Association from 1991
- German Association of Urology - corresponding member from 1993
- America urological Association - corresponding member from 1996
- President of the Polish Urological Association from 1984 to 1992
- President of the Polish Urological Association from 1992 to 2000
- President of the Committee of Urology, Polish Academy of Sciences from 1984 to 1998
- Member of the Management Board, European Association of Urology, 1992–2001
- Chairman of the Membership Office at the European Association of Urology, 1994–2001
- Awarded the Félix Guyon Medal at the 100 anniversary of the French Urological
- Association on October 21, 1996 - as the first foreign Urologist
- Honorary Member of Slovakian, Czechoslovakian, Hungarian, and Polish Urological Associations
- Honorary Member of the European Association of Urology
Other information:
Awarded the highest honour of the European Association of Urology - "Willy Gregoire Medal”.