HIFU method – prostate cancer treatment

Metoda HIFU - leczenie raka prostatyHave you been diagnosed with prostate cancer? Are you wondering what to do? Welcome to the HIFU CLINIC, where we specialize in the treatment of prostate cancer using HIFU method.

HIFU method is one of the most modern and advanced therapeutic methods used in prostate cancer treatment. Its main advantages are very small risk of side effects and the ability to repeat the procedure in the case of tumor recurrence.

What is HIFU method - prostate cancer treatment?

HIFU method is available in dozens of countries around the world, and its use is permitted by numerous urological societies like European Association of Urology.

The essence of this treatment method is the focus of the ultrasonic wave of high energy to a precisely defined area of the tumor. This action causes the thermal effect in the tissue destroying it. In addition, gas bubbles appearing in the cancer cell break it structure.

What is the aim of HIFU method therapy?

Precise destruction of tumor tissue within the prostate.

How to describe HIFU method?

HIFU method treatment lasts usually from 90 minutes to 2.5 hours (depending on the size of tumor) with regional anesthesia in the patient (from the waist down). Treatment is conducted only via natural ways of the body (without cutting the tissue) using per rectal probe. Thanks to this HIFU method is minimally invasive, resulting in a short hospitalization and less risk of complications, and most importantly - allows the patient to avoid surgery.

It is worth remembering that HIFU treatment can also be applied in case of recurrence of prostate cancer in patients who have previously been treated with traditional methods such as radiation therapy or prostatectomy.


  • Preparation to HIFU treatment
  • HIFU method treatment
  • After HIFU treatment
On the day of treatment, the patient should report to the department on an empty stomach, where there will be done the basic blood tests and any other tests. Due anesthetic causes usually chest X-ray is performed. If in the past three months the patient passed such test, please bring with you the result..
  1. The patient is anesthetized regionally (from the waist down). Metoda HIFU - leczenie raka prostaty
  2. The patient lies comfortably on the right side. The procedure takes from 90 minutes to 2.5 hours. During this time, patients often doze but are not under general anesthesia. Metoda HIFU - leczenie raka prostaty
  3. The treatment probe is inserted into the patient rektum. Probe fulfills two functions: sends the image of the prostate to the attendant console and sends ultrasound beam that destroys the cells within the prostate.

Metoda HIFU - leczenie raka prostaty

  1. 4. The prostate is located directly in front of the rectum, a few centimeters from the anus, which means that the treatment can be carried out via the natural body ways without cutting tissue and injuring the patient. Metoda HIFU - leczenie raka prostaty
In the postoperative period, and after returning home, the patient should rest and drink plenty of fluids. This is necessary for a quick recovery. Routinely the next day after surgery the patient may function normally. In the postoperative period patient should avoid lifting heavy objects and too severe effort. Within a few days after the procedure, patient can start moderate physical activity, and after a few weeks return to more strenuous exercises.

In the video below, Marek Filipek MD, PhD., - the head of medical team of HIFU Clinic - presents the course of treatment using HIFU:

For whom is HIFU treatment?

HIFU treatment method is suitable for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer.

For your convenience, we exchange the following indications for the treatment of prostate cancer using HIFU. They were created both under the guidelines of the European Association of Urology and the experience gained during the treatments in leading urology centers around the world:

  • Locally advanced prostate cancer: ≤ T2C N0 M0,
  • Prostate cancer of low risk,
  • Prostate cancer at intermediate risk patients were selected,
  • Patients not eligible for radical prostatectomy (age, load internist, etc.),
  • Patients not eligible for radical prostatectomy (age, load internist, etc.),
  • Patients with local recurrence after radiotherapy (EAU 2014, 2015 Guidelines),
  • Patients with local recurrence after brachytherapy (EAU 2014, 2015 Guidelines),
  • Patients with local recurrence after radical prostatectomy.


  • Rectal mucosa without lesions,
  • The thickness of rectum wall <8mm.

ATTENTION! These indications are for information only. The final qualification for the surgery is done by urologist based on urological consultation, which is an essential element of the procedure before the treatment.

How can I make an appointment for HIFU treatment?

More information on urological treatment can be found at www.szpitalse.pl.

Do you have any questions or need more information?Contact us >>

See also

Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy

The aim of the LRP therapy is to prevent further development of the disease through prostate resection.
