What is the purpose of a consultation?
The aim of this consultation is to diagnose prostate cancer in histopathological examination, being the only method to confirm a diagnosis of this cancer, and is absolutely necessary to make a decision about further proceedings.
What does the consultation of the histopathological result involve?
A consultation of the histopathological examination result involves a subjective visual examination of collected material. It should be born in mind that not every histopathologist specialises in prostate evaluation.
Who is this consultation for?
This consultation is intended for patients who had a prostate biopsy..
Additional information
Classification of images is a factor distinguishing work of individual doctors. Therefore, we are of the opinion that cooperation with a histopathologist specialising in prostate evaluation for second assessment of sections collected during the biopsy is an important factor that can be selected by the patient to improve precision of the diagnosis.
Both the literature and the experience show that in up to 20% cases of already diagnosed prostate cancer with the Gleason score assigned, the assessment changes on second evaluation, and this may ensure selection of a correct treatment method. This is of particular importance in this cancer, as the evaluation results in radically different invasive therapies, and their consequences to quality of life may be significant and permanent.
According to many histopathologists prostate cancer may be one of the most difficult to evaluate of all biopsy materials. This is a consequence of very limited amount of tissue, its multifocal nature and other parameters of that cancer.
Well-differentiated cells - Gleason 6(3+3), Gleason 5(3+2) and Gleason 5(2+3) - are particularly difficult to be evaluated correctly. It should be noted here that nowadays the Gleason 4(2+2) diagnosis is not an acceptable histopathological diagnosis and should not be included in reports.
When a patient receives such diagnosis, we strictly recommend to repeat evaluation of the material and correlation with a clinical picture, similarly as for general cancer diagnoses, such as adenocarcinoma prostatae.
Concurrent diagnosis: benign prostate hyperplasia, multifocal PIN 3, ASAP, inflammatory lesions, or calcifications are also of importance, particularly when cancer is not diagnosed but is strongly suspected.
A complete histopathological report should include data concerning:
- number of sections examined;
- their length;
- percentage of tissue with cancer;
- location of sections;
- data concerning infiltration to vascular and nerve structures
How can I arrange a consultation?
More information on urological treatment can be found at www.szpitalse.pl.
See also

Prostate fusion biopsy
Prostate fusion biopsy is the most modern diagnostic test for prostate cancer.

PSA level determination
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Prostate multiparameter magnetic resonance imaging (PI-RADSv2.1)
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