Male impotence or erectile dysfunction

'Even three million adult Poles suffer from erectile dysfunction, of which only fifteen percent look for help. Typically, the decision to visit a specialist takes an average of five years.'said Stefan W. Czarniecki, MD, a urologist VEDI Clinic for Male in 'The question for breakfast' TVP program.

Erectile dysfunction can affect men of all ages, different, however, are basis of the problem. When it comes to population of men in Poland, at the age of twenty to thirty- five years, the base of the problem is mostly psychological in nature and may be temporary.

Among older, active and family men erectile dysfunction can be caused not only by aging processes, but also fast pace of life, stress and diseases of affluence such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension or coronary artery disease.

In the group of patients after fifty- five years old erectile dysfunction have primarily biological background, because the vessels and the cave-like bodies are damaged and do not fill with blood properly.

As Dr. Czarniecki pointed out, erectile dysfunction is a huge social problem, regardless of age.'Men suffering from this dysfunction are worse: husbands, fathers and employees. Their productivity decreases, which is not a positive influence on any aspect of their health.' He also mentioned, that the best way to avoid erectile dysfunction is prevention – healthy lifestyle and regular examinations.

Erectile dysfunction is often a warning against coronary heart disease and other serious health problems , even ten years in advance.'Therefore, as soon as problems with erection occur, we should go to a doctor immediately',explained Dr. Czarniecki.

Currently one of the most modern erectile dysfunction treatment method is Renova LSWT shock wave therapy,which relies on the rehabilitation of the penis by creating new blood vessels in the penis cave-like bodies. The second method is the implantation of a hydraulic penile implant. It is a very discreet and reliable solution, e.g. for patients after advanced surgical interventions.

Link to TVP program below: