HIFU method treatment was officially presented by „We Gladiators”

HIFU method treatment was officially presented by “We Gladiators” – most dynamically developing patient organization in Poland!

Website of the "Gladiator" Association published an article written by Marek Filipek MD, PhD., showing the complete path of treatment of prostate cancer, which is held every patient in HIFU Clinic Prostate Cancer Treatment Centre.

Article provides the necessary information, from the beginning with the first, free online consultation,throughout the methods used during the diagnostic path up to coordination of patient preparing for surgery and the recovery period after the surgery performed.

We invite you to read the article available at the Association website

On this occasion, we would like to present the association "Gladiator"- who are its members and what are the “Gladiators” common goals.

Who creates the "Gladiator" Association and what are its main aims?

"Association of Men with Prostate Diseases" Gladiator " prof. Tadeusz Koszarowski name is among the most dynamically developing patient associations in Poland.

The main motto of "Gladiators" was striving to disseminate knowledge on diseases of the prostate, kidney, bladder, sexual organs and the need for primary prevention tests. The aim of the association is to educate the consciousness of men that the early symptoms of genitourinary tract diseases are key in the diagnosis, treatment process, and consequently the elimination of the disease. However, the overriding message of the Association is to associate the patients - "Gladiators" suffering from cancer of the urogenital system.

Plans and objectives of the "Gladiators" statutory include forms of educational and direct support. The main forms of assistance include organizing training and meetings in the field of basic medical knowledge, which are aimed at promoting the principles of early cancer detection. The Association focuses its attention on promoting the quality of life of patients from rural areas.The reason for the increased activity is to increase the availability of cancer care in rural areas distant from the Regional Cancer Centres (ROO) in which the Oncology Relay of Hope program is carried out. The program that is a social movement in the rural environment for the fight against cancer.